
Business Communication Essentials 5th Canadian Edition by Courtland L Bovee test bank

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Answer:  B
Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 18
Objective:  1-6
53) Cultural competency ________.
A) requires an open, audience-focused attitude
B) requires respect, courtesy, and common sense when the communicator is lacking specific rules of etiquette for a particular situation
C) requires specific, intimate knowledge of different cultures
D) extends not only to business contexts but to social and family contexts
Answer:  C
Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 16
Objective:  1-6
54) One aspect that is common across cultures is that ________.
A) men hold most positions of authority
B) age earns respect and increasing power and freedom
C) nonverbal signs like gestures or facial expressions are interpreted the same way
D) men and women tend to have slightly different communication styles
Answer:  D
Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 20
Objective:  1-6
55) ________ is the tendency to judge all other groups according to the standards, behaviours, and customs of one's own group.
A) Ethnic gloss
B) Stereotyping
C) Ethnocentrism
D) Relativism
Answer:  C
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 20
Objective:  1-6

56) Assigning a wide range of generalized—and often inaccurate—attributes to an individual on the basis of membership in a particular group without considering the individual's unique characteristics is referred to as ________.
A) normalizing
B) scapegoating
C) rationalizing
D) stereotyping
Answer:  D
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 20
Objective:  1-6
57) Which of the following is a guideline for improving intercultural communication?
A) Consider aspects like personal appearance when trying to judge a person.
B) Avoid using sources like travel guidebooks to learn about a culture.
C) Recognize your own cultural biases.
D) Always assume that others will think, believe, and behave as you do.
Answer:  C
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 20
Objective:  1-6
58) Which of the following is a guideline for improving intercultural communication?
A) Consider aspects like personal appearance when trying to judge a person.
B) Be flexible and prepared to change your habits and attitudes.
C) Avoid using sources like travel guidebooks to learn about a culture.
D) Always assume that others will think, believe, and behave as you do.
Answer:  B
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 20
Objective:  1-6
59) When writing for multilingual audiences, you should ________.
A) use slang and jargon
B) spell numbers out instead of using figures
C) use transitions generously
D) use abbreviations extensively
Answer:  C
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 21
Objective:  1-6
60) When writing for multilingual audiences, you should use ________.
A) slang and jargon
B) figures instead of spelling out numbers
C) transitions sparingly
D) abbreviations generously
Answer:  B
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 21
Objective:  1-6
61) When writing for multilingual audiences, you should ________.
A) use slang and jargon
B) spell numbers out instead of using figures
C) use transitions sparingly
D) rely on specific terms and concrete examples to explain your points
Answer:  D
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 21
Objective:  1-6
62) Which of the following is a tip for speaking with multilingual audiences?
A) Ask questions like "Is this too difficult for you?" to ensure understanding.
B) Learn important phrases in your audience's language.
C) Make multiple points at a time.
D) Don't repeat your points.
Answer:  B
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 21
Objective:  1-6
63) Which of the following is a tip for speaking with multilingual audiences?
A) Ask questions like "Is this too difficult for you?" to ensure understanding.
B) Don't repeat your points.
C) Make multiple points at a time.
D) Recognize that nods and smiles don't necessarily mean understanding.
Answer:  D
Diff: 1     Type: MC     Page Ref: 21



